Thursday, February 02, 2006


"Go to himmm..."

Anyway, here's some quotations. One crisp, American $5 bill to the lucky guesser of the name of each quotation's quotidian cause...

"Death and birth share only the distinction of representing distinctly separate tokens of a category exclusive of both one another and all others, thus remaining distinctly differently similar events. What?"

"The experience of an hour to a forty-year-old is respectively relative to the experience of a half an hour to a twenty-year-old, which is in turn respectively relative to the experience of fifteen minutes to a ten-year-old. Therefore a forty-year-old is justified in being four times as pissed as a ten-year-old when a twenty-year-old is half an hour late to the shoot for 'Portrait of a Men at Seventy.'"

"Some people are frightened by the recognition that they are indifferent from the world; if they weren’t, the suffix -ophobe would be drastically less useful..."


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